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Happy Endings

In a piece of truly "amahzing" news, VH1 has attained all three seasons of Happy Endings and will air all 57 episodes in a New Year's marathon. The marathon will begin on New Year's Eve at 8 PM and run through the night and deep into New Year's Day before the show starts its regular scheduled time slot on Wednesday nights at 7 PM. This is great news for fans, but even greater news for people who never got the chance to see what all the fuss is about.
So instead of spending the last couple of hours of 2013 in a boozy stupor at some crowded bar, or snoring into a champagne glass as the calendar rolls anew, why not ring in the New Year with one of the most joyful and energetic comedies of the past few years. Here are five reasons to ditch the parties and watch VH1's Happy Endings marathon.
It's the easiest New Year's resolution ever!
Forget the gym membership or trying to learn a new language or whatever other New Year's resolution you have cooked up. Instead of actually trying to better yourself this year with actual goals, why not spend New Year's watching 30 straight hours of television? Sitting on your couch for a full day and finishing Happy Endings in one comedy-filled binge will be the easiest New Year's resolution you’ve ever completed. You can worry about the bed sores later.

People will finally stop telling you to watch Happy Endings
If you've been regularly hounded by rabid Happy Endings fans to watch their favorite show, now’s your chance to shut them up for good and finish the show in one fell swoop. You'll finally understand what all the fuss is about while also learning why exactly it's the Year of Penny, and why all your TV watching friends have spontaneously forgotten how to pronounce the word "Amazing". Unfortunately you’ll also probably become one of those people hounding everyone else to watch Happy Endings. It’s a vicious cycle.

It’s not on Netflix
Since Happy Engings went off the air earlier this year, there’s been precious few ways to watch it. The show’s not on Netflix which makes binging opportunities pretty scarce. The VH1 marathon is your safest and easiest bet in watching the show.

It’s Damon Wayans Jr.’s best role
While Damon Wayans Jr. is consistently putting in great work as Coach on New Girl, his best work by far is his stint as the effeminate and energetic Brad Williams on Happy EndingsHappy Endings also has the added benefit of pairing up Wayans with Eliza Coupe, and the two actors have an incredible amount of comedic chemistry.

You’ll get two years worth of holiday episodes in one night
What better way to punctuate the 2013 holiday season than by sitting back and watching the Happy Endings go through two years of holiday episodes (The first season was a mid-season replacement so it doesn’t have any holiday episodes). Happy Endings always had consistent holiday episodes and now you’ll get two Thanksgivings, two Halloweens, and two Christmases all in one 30 hour period. It’s a New Year’s miracle.

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