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MAGIC MIKE, Joe Manganiello, 2012. ph: Glen Wilson/Warner Bros./Courtesy Everett Collection

There are two reasons why the Joe Manganiello workout book is the perfect stocking stuffer. There isn't a man, women or child on the planet who doesn't want to be him or look at him. And the hottest wolfboy in Hollywood clearly knows his way around a weight stack.
With an overdetermined title like Evolution: The Cutting Edge Guide to Breaking Down Mental Walls and Building the Body You've Always Wanted, the book has a self-help angle that is practically '70s: Want It, Do It, Evolve. And there's the rub, those mental walls. Manganiello's plum role on True Blood would be a carrot enough for any couch potato to consider changing his ways. But for those of us who make our living doing data entry, there might be less use for all that evolutionary hottness.
So let's amend our opener. There is one category of person you shouldnot give this book to: boyfriends/husbands. Might send the wrong message. Still, looking at pictures never hurt anyone.

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