It looks like Justin Bieber's bad-boy rep has traveled all the way to the land down under. According to E!, the 19-year-old singer and his entourage were detained at the Brisbane International Airport in Australia on Sunday Nov. 24 under suspicion of importing drugs. And then, because Bieber can't keep his mouth shut, he was given a verbal warning for his use of "inappropriate language."
The Australian Federal Police (AFP) found cannabis on a 23-year-old man traveling in the entourage and issued him a notice to appear in court. In response to being detained, Bieber allegedly began to use foul language, resulting in a firm scolding from customs officers. (And according to The Sun, he insulted a female customs officer by calling her a "female vagina"... whatever that's supposed to mean.)
While the AFP could not specifically say that they detained Bieber, E! confirmed that they did speak to "a 19-year-old man." And considering that Bieber has concerts in Australia on Dec. 5 and Dec. 8, and that he has a habit of getting into trouble at airports, we're betting that the unnamed male was most likely the "Boyfriend" singer.
Now we all just have to wait to hear which animal Bieber tries to bring back this time. Better hide your koalas, Australia.