Anyone who has seen Orphan Black can attest to Tatiana Maslany’sacting talent. The actress stars as a series of clones in the BBC America science fiction show. Among the slew of characters Maslany portrays are a punk rock girl who grew up in foster care, a high-strung suburban housewife, a bio-major grad student, as well as a super-religious serial killer — all while not suffering from multiple personality disorder.
When Emmy nominations were announced, Orphan Black fans were outraged that the show wasn’t recognized, let alone Maslany. If the award panels have seen even a single episode of the sci-fi show, they should know that she and the series deserve nominations for all the awards (all of them!) The Huffington Post wrote about why Maslany was robbed, while Vanity Fair argued that the fans’ outrage is the best publicity for Orphan Black.
We suppose it paid off. The Golden Globes award panel nominated Maslany for Best Actress Drama either because of pressure from the fans or they acknowledge that she’s doing something on TV no one has ever done before. Though we think Maslany should win, it’s doubtful she actually will — no matter how much she deserves it!
In addition to the Golden Globe nod, Orphan Black cast super fan — who is also an actor — Patrick J. Adams for a guest appearance in the show’s second season. When Orphan Black was snubbed by the Emmys, Adams voiced his own outrage on Twitter: “Tatiana Maslany not getting nominated for an Emmy is like breathing not being nominated for [an] important thing to do.”
We’re not sure who’s more pleased that Adams will be on Orphan Black, fans or him, but we’d put money on him.